
Saturday 2 May 2015

APRIL RAINS- By Mudit Agrawal

April Rains.
relief from the rising heat
a phone call, to a lover
to meet beneath the dark clouds
and hold hands and to kiss,
and gather
memories, sweet in the
April Rains.
a beautiful wife too
holds hands
of her corpse husband,
a farmer
who died last night
of shock, a natural death,
at the view
of his devastated yield
and left behind
of hard labour, lost
and a legacy
of debts.
April Rains.

Almighty - My Lord By Neha Shamshery

It’s all so uncertain
It’s all so unplanned
That to fret on it is
Waste of time

What you get
And what you want
Is not a matter of luck
instead god defined..

One day you giggle
the next moment you cry
one second you dream
in a flash it dies..

You strive, you struggle
You sweat, you toil
You resist, you fight
Just ask, why?

Question yourself
And then no one
Just set off
And let him decide

असान दिशा-ज्ञान